There is a very broad group of people who support the legalization of marijuana. From growers, to doctors, to users, people who support legalization come in all shapes and sizes.
Who falls outside the boundary?
The people who would not qualify for recreational weed and probably want to are high school students. Between the ages of 14-18 kids begin experimenting with drugs. However, an age requirement would prevent the sale of cannabis to minors.
What is the point where the identified need differs?
The difference between needing to do it because it helps you're mental state, or needing to use because it helps your physical state. While some smoke to relieve anxiety, cannabis oils and butters have been known to stop seizures at their source within seconds. It is those people that are the true pioneers of legal cannabis.
Why are their needs different?
Different brain chemistry cause people to react to the chemical cannabis differently. It is this difference in chemistry that causes the human body to have certain reactions.
Inside the Boundary:
Who is in: Adults above the age of 21 for recreational purposes, and anyone who qualifies medically.
What the need is: Access to quality cannabis.
Why the need exists: Their are medical benefits to be had by all. You don't have to have a degenerative disease to reap the benefits of cannabis.
Outside the Boundary:
Who is not: Underaged kids who like to do drugs.
What the need is not: A way for shady drug dealers to sell product. The product will be heavily controlled, regulated, and taxed.
Alternative explanations: Human being love to feel a false sense of euphoria while using substances.
Hi Erik, you made some great points in your ! I agree that the legalization of marijuana is very important especially for medical reasons, but also recreational legalization would help the economy. People who have debilitating diseases should not have to use an alternative drug that may not be as helpful as marijuana just because it is not legal. Great idea!
ReplyDeleteHey Erik, I love your topic because I could not agree more that Marijuana needs to be legalized as soon as possible. There are many many benefits to legalizing Marijuana. I am glad someone is covering this topic. The main reason besides economically is medically, how it would help so many people with painful injuries or diseases.